Toutes les publications
Le Fonds FHF partage une grande partie de sa production intellectuelle à travers un ensemble de publications (livres blancs, enquêtes, études scientifiques, conférences, cours, MOOC et documentaires). Il participe également à plusieurs collaborations avec d'autres organismes dans le domaine de la santé et de l'innovation.
Retrouvez ici l'ensemble de nos publications et contributions.
Children and Adolescents Psychological Distress Scale During COVID-19 Pandemic: Validation of a Psychometric Instrument
Frontiers in psychiatry
Aim and Object Purpose of the Study: In March 2020, the WHO declared a pandemic (COVID-19) due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In France, school closures and lockdowns were implemented. In this unprecedented context for French adolescents and children, the CONFEADO study surveyed children aged 9 to 18 years to assess their mental health, psychological distress, and resilience during and after the lockdown in relation to their living and housing conditions. To assess psychological distress, a psychometric tool (Children and Adolescent Psychological Distress Scale-CAPDS-10) was specifically designed for the research. This article presents the psychometric validity of the CAPDS-10.
Methods: This cross-sectional study collected data from June 9 to September 14, 2020, from children and adolescents (9 to 18 years of age) via an online questionnaire after sending it to a large network of partners. Psychological distress, resilience, and trait anxiety were assessed using the CAPDS-10, the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM), and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC). The CAPDS-10 measured perceived psychological distress in the most recent 2 weeks (primary endpoint). The predictive power of the CAPDS-10 was determined by statistical analysis. We proceeded to a confirmatory factor analysis to validate the scale at a clinical level. We carried out a psychometric validation with a step to verify the uni-dimensionality of the scale (PCA analysis) and the calculation of convergent and divergent validity, correlation coefficient between items and subscales, Cronbach's alpha for reliability, determination of a cut-off score for the AUROC index.
Results: Three thousand and forty eight children and adolescents completed the CAPDS-10. Analysis confirmed a three-factor model (anxiety, depression, and aggressive behavior) (RMSEA = 0.072 [0.067; 0.077], CFI = 0.954), with a correlation coefficient between items >0.4. PCA analysis concluded that the scale is unidimensional. Reliability was satisfactory with Cronbach -
Le rôle des outils de gestion pour améliorer l’efficacité du dialogue de gestion au sein des hôpitaux
Rapport de projet, Octobre 2020
Olivier Saulpic et Philippe Zarlowski,
ESCP Business School, Paris, France -
Mental health among medical, healthcare, and other university students during the first COVID-19 lockdown in France
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports
Background The COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns regarding its psychological effect on university students, especially healthcare students. We aimed at assessing the risk of mental health problems according to the type of university studies, by adjusting for potential confounders. Methods We used data from the COSAMe study, a national cross-sectional survey including 69,054 French university students during the first quarantine. The mental health outcomes evaluated were suicidal thoughts, severe self-reported distress (as assessed by the Impact of Events Scale–Revised), stress (Perceived Stress Scale), anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, State subscale), and depression (Beck Depression Inventory). Multivariable logistic regression analyzes were performed to test the association between the type of university studies (healthcare studies: medical and non-medical, and non-healthcare studies) and poor mental health outcomes, adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, precariousness indicators, health-related data, quality of social relationships, and data about media consumption. Results Compared to non-healthcare students, non-medical healthcare and medical students showed a lower risk of presenting at least one poor mental health outcome . Compared to non-healthcare students, medical students were at lower risk of suicidal thoughts, severe self-reported distress and depression. Non-medical healthcare students were at lower risk of severe selfreported distress, stress, depression, and anxiety. Limitations This is a large but not representative cross-sectional study, limited to the first confinement. Conclusions Being a healthcare student is a protective factor for mental health problems among confined students. Mediating factors still need to be explored.
Prevalence of and factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder among French university students 1 month after the COVID lockdown
Translational Psychiatry
The COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine measures have sparked debate regarding their traumatic nature. This cross-sectional study reports the prevalence rate of probable post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) and associated factors among French university students. A total of 22,883 students completed the online questionnaire. The prevalence rate of probable PTSD, assessed using the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5, was 19.5% [19.0–20.0]. Female (1.32 [1.21–1.45]) or non-binary gender (1.76 [1.35–2.31]), exposure to a non-COVID-19-related traumatic event (3.37 [3.08–3.67]), having lived through quarantine alone (1.22 [1.09–1.37]), poor quality of social ties (2.38 [2.15–2.62]), loss of income (1.20 [1.09–1.31]), poor quality housing (1.90 [1.59–2.26]), low-quality of the information received (1.50 [1.35–1.66]) and a high level of exposure to COVID-19 (from 1.38 [1.24–1.54] to 10.82 [2.33–76.57] depending on the score) were associated with PTSD. Quarantine was considered potentially traumatic by 78.8% of the students with probable PTSD. These findings suggest the pandemic context and lockdown measures could have post-traumatic consequences, stimulating debate on the nosography of PTSD.
Factors associated with mental health disorders among university students in France confined during the COVID-19 pandemic
JAMA network open
What is the mental health state of university students in France who were confined during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and what factors are associated with the development of mental health symptoms?
This survey study of 69 054 students who experienced quarantine found high prevalence rates of severe self-reported mental health symptoms. Among risk factors identified, female or nonbinary gender, problems with income or housing, history of psychiatric follow-up, symptoms compatible with COVID-19, social isolation, and low quality of information received were associated with altered mental health.
The findings of this study suggest that students’ mental health is a public health issue that has become even more critical in the context of a pandemic, underlining the need to reinforce prevention, surveillance, and access to care.
Parcours de santé, le souhait des usagers
Observatoire des attentes usagers et de l'expérience patient
Aujourd’hui, l’évolution démographique, la chronicisation des maladies, les nouvelles pratiques médicales et la transformation du patient institutionnalisé en usager autonome sont autant de bouleversements qui poussent les établissements de santé à devoir considérer la qualité de l’expérience usager au même titre que la qualité des soins.
Pour répondre à cet enjeu, le Fonds FHF Recherche & Innovation s’entoure de plusieurs partenaires hospitaliers, académiques et industriels de références. Ensemble, ils mènent une large enquête sur les profils des usagers du système de santé, leurs attentes et leurs parcours de santé respectifs. En parallèle, ils testent également plusieurs méthodes et outils de co-conception de parcours de santé et sélectionnent ceux s’avérant les plus efficients dans un contexte hospitalier.L’objectif de cette étude est d’apporter des méthodes et des outils de co-conception de parcours de santé entre usagers et hospitaliers, ainsi qu’un ensemble de données, pour permettre aux établissements de comprendre leurs usagers et d’améliorer leurs parcours de santé, de manière à leur offrir la meilleure expérience possible.
Bientôt disponible -
L'intelligence artificielle et les métiers de la santé
Observatoire de la transformation digitale des métiers de la santé
L’intelligence artificielle et plus généralement les technologies numériques bouleversent de plus en plus le secteur de la santé. Pour accompagner au mieux cette transformation complexe, il faut avoir la capacité de la comprendre et d’anticiper ses effets positifs, comme négatifs.
Pour répondre à ce défi, le Fonds FHF Recherche & Innovation s’entoure de plusieurs partenaires hospitaliers, académiques et industriels de références. Ensemble, ils mènent une étude globale, scientifique et pluridisciplinaire sur les différentes tâches exercées par plus de 200 métiers du secteur de la santé.
L’objectif de cette étude est d’apporter un ensemble de référentiels et d’outils pour piloter la transformation des métiers et des formations du secteur de la santé, afin d’accompagner au mieux les établissements de santé dans leur évolution digitale et organisationnelle.
Bientôt disponible -
Digitalisation in healthcare: An analysis of projects proposed by practitioners
British Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 24, Issue 3
Digitalisation in healthcare is a multifaceted phenomenon that remains emergent. Driven by technology, innovations would not sufficiently meet the needs and expectations of clinicians and patients, resulting in the proliferation of poorly integrated solutions.
This study aimed to understand how practitioners envisioned digital innovation in healthcare, to shed light on debates about how to improve innovation efficiency.
When they are conducted and sponsored by healthcare practitioners, digital innovations were found to genuinely target healthcare objectives. They also tended to promote participatory approaches and exhibit a concern for equity in healthcare. However, they generally failed to address transferability issues or efficiency objectives and the reported evidence on which the projects relied was usually scarce.
For policymakers and funding bodies, this study proposes that the project design should explicitly integrate assessment of their scalability, and their impact on the usual dimensions of healthcare performance: quality of medical and patient care, efficiency, and equity.
Nouvelles technologies, quelle réalité ?
HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society)
Le Fonds FHF vous apporte une analyse des nouvelles technologies les plus en vogue : Objets connectés, Génomique, Blockchain, BigData, Intelligence artificielle et Réalité virtuelle et augmentée.
Pour chacune d'elles, vous trouverez un focus sur la technologie, les pré-requis nécessaires à sa mise en place et surtout ses potentiels et limites dans le domaine de la santé. -
Annuaire des chercheurs en organisation
Dans le cadre de son appel à projets sur l'innovation organisationnelle, le Fonds FHF invite les établissements publics de santé à collaborer avec des équipes de recherche du domaine.
Afin de faciliter la rencontre entre établissements et chercheurs, nous avons réalisé un recensement des équipes de recherche travaillant sur les thématiques organisationnelle. Retrouvez dans cet annuaire l'ensemble des équipes de recherche, leurs domaines d'étude et leur coordonnées. -
Quelques conseils pour mieux innover
Master 2 Sciences Chirurgicales, Faculté de Médecine Paris-Sud
Le Fonds FHF vous apporte quelques pistes pour "Mieux innover". Pour cela, il aborde différentes questions : Qu'est-ce qu'une innovation ? Pourquoi innover ? Quelles sont les sources d'innovation ? Quels sont les principes pour mieux innover ? Quelles techniques et astuces pour mieux innover ? Comment développer sa croissance ? Comment gérer le changement ?